Thursday 5 May 2011

Analysis of Horror Genre

I am going to write a description of the characters, music, setting and mis en scene within horror films.

Horror films are usually very gloomy and dark which sets the scene of horror. Dark places usually portray a sense of mystery; it also builds tension for the audience due to the gloominess and darkness.
As well as effecting the audience it creates tension for the characters within the film.

The music in horror films also build the tensions, it starts off slow but slowly builds up whenever there is a sense of danger or fear.
Along with the music and colours tension can be built up by the way the film is shot. Quick shots also create a sense of danger and help to portray the horror theme.

In horror films it is commonly set in an abandoned area which provides no way out for the victims leaving them trapped. They are set in scary locations, which straight away leave the audience unsettled as they know the location is a symbol of danger about to occur.

When watching a film without being introduced to the characters the audience can tell what kind of person the character is but the way they are presented in their dress sense or expressions. The victims in horror films are usually nicely dressed like any normal person, however, during the climax moments the victims costume becomes worn down with blood, sweat, dirt etc. this also applies to the characters facial expressions as they start off happy then the danger and fear starts to show in their face which also builds the tension for the audience and helps them to sympathise with the character imagining themselves in the characters position.

Overall horror films commonly follow these popular conventions as it helps to set the genre and makes the audience recognise what genre of film they are watching.

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