Thursday 5 May 2011

Character analysis

As a group we decided that we would have unconventional characters so we have goe with a very different idea.

After analysing typical horror films it seemed that the villian was usually the male, so we have gone for a female killer. We have chose Jodie (as shown below) as the murderer as we feel she is not the type of girl you would look at and think she looks like the evil type. she has a sweet, kind and loving look to her so using her as the villian in the film would be a shock to the audience and make it much more interesting to watch as it would be less predictable.
Before choosing her as the villian Jodie shared with us that she has a past of being bullied so she has all the emotions and can use these emotions during filming which made it much more realistic for her and for the audience.

the typical survivor in a horror film would be thought to be the strong man! however we have chosen a girl to be the survivor. Philippa looks like your usual dumb blonde bimbo as she is short aswell however she is far from that. She is the clever one out the group. so we added this twist so we could be unconventional once again.

Geeks are always seen to be the clever ones just because of the way they look. However, we have decided to use a girl who looks like a geek but is however the least intelligent one out of the group. She becomes the first to die.

we also have a loud girl, Miranda, who is seen as the leader of the pack. she drives the car in the trailer so you can tell that she tries to be the controller of every situation.

every group has a dopey girl. Natalie was chosen for this role as she is usually a little dopey in real life so it would be easy for her to get into character. It was good to have a girl like this as you sometimes have funny parts in a horror movie and this character would help to create these parts.

Kelsey is the tom boy of the group. we have an all female cast so having a tom boy would be good to show a little masculinity within the film. we chose kelsey because just like natalie the dopey one, kelsey is a tom boy in real life so she can also find it easy to get into her character.

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