Thursday 5 May 2011

Mis-en Scene

Many films follow the same conventions when it comes to mise-en scene.

in horror films the killer is usually wearing dark clothes and their identity is most commonly hidden to create a sense of mystery.

The lighting is normally dark, shadowed and gloomy . Horror films usually take place during the night as it sets the right theme and provides effects of it's own.

The way the filming is shoty is also the same in most horror movies.
to create a sense of tension there are many quick and snappy shot.
in order to symbolise that someone is being watched or even followed shots are taken from behind the victim.
the audience is sometimes shown the percepctive of the character, as if the audience is really in the movie.

in our trailer we have used these horror movie conventions as we feel that it is what makes a horror film, horror.

the killer in our trailer is dressed in all black clothing, our killer also wore an eye patch so we have covered ger face in someway which is a big convention of horror films.

We filmed most of our trailer during the night as we felt this would be good in portraying the horror genre as most horror films are filmed at night to create the sense of danger, horror and fear.

we have also used many different shots including, behind shots, and many quick paced shots throughout our trailer.

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