Thursday 5 May 2011


Below i am going to write the dates we filmed and explain what we doneand where we filmed on those days.

however before i explain the filming schedule we currently filmed in november times however our filming schedule was pretty hectic as we suffered a few problems before hand.
our footage was deleted off of the cameras as we did not upload the recordings onto the mac computers straight away. so after filming first time in november we then had to re film everything. Due to this our group suffered during to the lack of timing and planning. from then on we made sure that we were thoroughly organised and planned so that these mistakes did not occure again.

1st of december- due to the mistakes of filming first time round we then refilmed our scenes of the car. this filming took place on leutenant ellis way.
with the camera we were stood on a bridge so that we could produce a high angle shot of the car passing by. Due to the cold and snowy whether conditions this time around the shots were not as good as we has hoped and we had to look past it.

3rd of december- we went to a local forest in order to capture the murdering scenes and we thought this was the most effective place as it was dark and mysterious.
we had taken different shots of each murder so that we could decide on the most suitable one after we had put them on the computer.

4th of december- on this date we shot scenes of the characters in the car having a good time before heading off. we shot long angle, close ups and side shots as it was hard finding the right shot so we could chose the most effective shot once again on the computers and it is good to always have more than one different shot of each scene to see which works better.

13th of december- we filmed the start of the trailer which is the part which explains the story. this took place in a classroom and a corridoor in school. to explain the story thoroughly we took many different angle shots and it was extremely effective when we made the quick paced trailer.

14th of december- on this date we filmed the breakdown scenes these took place in the car as we showed the petrol running out. we also filmed the shot of the girl who then turned into the killer in the toilets tending to her eye due to the bullying.

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