Thursday 5 May 2011

editing process of trailer

the editing process of the traler was the most time consuming and difficult part.

we firstly had to film our footage on a HD digital video recorder.

after putting our footage on the mac computers we imported the footage onto the program called Adobe Premiere Pro to edit the footage.

once the pieces of footage were in the sidebar we were then able to drag the footage we wanted into the timeline below so that we could cut and edit.

after deciding which pieces of footage we wanted to use we put them roughly where abouts we wanted the footage to go. for example, the story telling shots would go near the begining as it is explaining the story.

when inserted on the timeline we were then able to play around with the footage to see if we were pleased about the footage we chose and the way we layed it out. it was useful when we highlighted many pieces of footage so that we could move them all at once instead of moving them one by one and having to organise them again.

the tool we used the most was the razor blade tool as we cut down many bits of our footage. an as we wanted to create quick paced shots, loads were cut out.

due to the whether conditions on the day we filmed our shots did not have many good effects so we used the dip tool to add these extra effects and to create the sense of fear and danger.

just like any trailer we had many captions which tell the audience the breif storyline of the film. to fit in with the horror genre we chose to do our red captions on a black background. our original font did not pelase many people as we were told it was dull and un appealing. we then picked a more vibrant red and a more attractive font which was near enough 3d style. this critisism helped us because we were able to improve on this.

music was one of the hardest parts to add into our trailer.
we had diegetic sound in a trailer however we also added a non digetic music to create more effect. we changed our music more than once. at first our music was soft then built up but then our final peice had a steady pace all through as we felt it kept a sense of suspense for the audience. the razor tool once again helped cut the music down and place it where we wanted. getting the timing right was the music was very difficult.

after reviewing our trailer back we then decided to make the begining storyline section black and white to create it as thought it is a flashback and that a stroy is being told.

in the end when we were all happy that nomore could be added the clip was rendered and compelte.

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