Thursday 5 May 2011


there are many media theories and we have learnt these in our media lessons.
We have been learning about how behaviourism ,structuralism,narrative genre feminism and post colonialist have been portrayed within different films of different genres.

Propps theory:

Vladimir Propp founded the study of narrative structure.
there were 8 character roles which he identified. the vilian, the hero, the donar, the false hero, the dispatcher, the princess, her farther and the helper.
Theres character roles help the form some sort of picture about the character in our minds. for example, it is predictable in mose fairy tales that the princess ends up with the prince and they all live happily.

Tsvetan Todorov's theory:

this theory as about equilibrium.
Todorov said that films are expected to start in and equilibrium. he believed that this is then disrupted which then sets of a chain of events (dilemmas). These dilemmas are then resolved when a new equilibrium is put into place.
this can be put into context with a film such as titanic. Rose is engaged to a man, she then meets jack, she leaves her fiance to try and be with jack, he then dies and rose at the end of the film is back to the start as an independent woman again getting on wit her life.

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