Thursday 5 May 2011

Detailed analysis of a horror trailer


this is a horror film which is about a couple who have previously lost their daughter so decide to adopt a child who is a 9 year old. They believe she has the potential to be a part of their family, however, the following events prove that she is far from a little 9 year old orphan who wants to be loved.
Ethner who is the orphan in the film turns out to be a murderer who isn't actually a little girl.
i will be analysing this trailer, whilst outlining the camera angles, editing, location it takes place, sound and mise-en-scene.
First off all the there are many different camera angles used within this trailer. The angles used draw the audiences attention and causing them to sit there tense and in suspision about what it's all about. The shot which really come to my attention was the shot of ethner as she screams and the camera is very close up to her face and instead of the camera being held steady it is infact unsteady causing suspision and making it come to life much more! There is a good example of equilibirum, it all start off perfectly until it is disrupted by ethner's actions. and the camera angles show this disruption with the jump shots throughout.
The editing in the trailer is very clever and also drew my attention. the trailer starts off with smooth shots merging from one scene to another however as we approach the middle of the trailer the shots become more jumpy and short, they tend to jump from one shot to another in the space of 1-2 seconds. this creates great attention and leaves the audience wanting to watch the trailer as it doesn't give much away.
There are many locations which this film takes place in. not only does it take place in a house which looks rather unsettling but it also takes place in places such as modern schools, orphanage, hospitals.
The mise-en-scene is very interesting. the movie looks very modern. everybody is dressed modern, the cars and houses are modern, however, esther is the only person who looks as though she belongs in a victorian film. her clothes look like rags from centuries ago and her hair is also un modern this tells the audience straight away that esther is not normal and it gets the audience thinking.
Sound plays a very important part in a trailer especially a horror movie. it builds the tension and allows the audience to feel the tension which is being let off by the sound.
The music starts off sweet then desends to a much louder attention grabbing noise. the music is broken when esther screams in the toilet building up more suspense. throughout the trailer the sound keeps the audience glued to the screen even if they are scared because it draws them in.

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