Thursday 5 May 2011

Target Audience

Before releasing any film it will need to be clear on the target audience which the produced film will be aimed at, certificates of a film are decided by the British Board of Film Classification. it can include, race, age, gender or even class.
target audience is very important as you need to know who and which age group you are aiming your film at.
we chose a horror film so we then straight away decided it should be an 18 as we are 17-18 year olds our selves it would be easy for us to aim our film at teenagers our own age, and we wanted a restricted age for our movie. our film could have been aimed at the certifcate 15 but the killing scenes if the actual film was produced would be for 18 year olds as 15 year olds may find it disturbing or frieghtening due to grapic images. However we came to a conclusion that it would be targetted at males and females and not just one catergory. Girls may enjoy the film as it is an all girl cast and boys may enjoy it for the same reason and may be intregued to see all girls in a horror movie even if it is to make fun of them.
There is no typical stereotype of a teenager which our film is aimed at as we wanted a whole variety of young people to watch it. this is the reason why we have a range of different characters in our film, from a geek, to a bimbo.

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