Thursday 5 May 2011

The Narrative Structure of a Film Trailer

Freytag's pyramid

Freytag's Pyramid is a way to analyze a plot that consists of five elements in an ascending

and descending manner. In the introduction, the plot, characters, and complication are

introduced. This leads to the rising action, or the events that lead to the climax of the plot.

At the point of highest dramatic tension, or at a major turning point in the plot, the audience

finds the climax. This decisive moment in the narrative is when the rising action is reversed

to falling action. The falling action, then, is made up of the events that follow the climax and

lead to the denouement. The final outcome, result, or unraveling of the main dramatic

complication is called the denouement. The denouement may involve a reversal in the

protagonist's fortunes, usually as the result of a discovery (recognition of something of great

importance previously unknown) by the protagonist.

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