Thursday 5 May 2011

initial ideas

to start off within our group we had to think of a genre and a storyline so that we could start our planning our shots, sound, mise en-scne and location. we then produced an initial story board with our first idea on it. Our initial story board shows how we origianlly planned our trailer to look and our final storyboard shows how we improved and progressed using eachothers ideas to create the final piece.

Within the group we agreed on a horror movie so we then started to brainstorm our ideas of what we thought a horror movie would contain. However, when deciding on our characters we all argeed that we should have unconventinal characters fr example a typical blonde bimbo however she is actually clever and it is the geek look alike whi is the less intelligent one.
the last thing we came up with was the name of the film because we had a few ideas which we all liked, such as, revenge eye for an eye, trapped.

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