Thursday 5 May 2011

Film Genres

Film genres are important as it puts films into different categories such as action, romance, comedy, chick flick, horror, western, thriller etc. it also helps to aim the film at a certain target audience. if you know that your making a comedy you know that you are targeting a certain audience so you can adjust your film to please the audience you are aiming for. e.g. a film such as SAW will be aimed at 18 or above, for people who like gore and blood. and this film provides these needs for the audience.
Film genres also make it easier when the film is being shot and for when it is being written. for example, for more older audience there may be much more complex camera angles and stong lanuage or sex, however for a younger childrens film there would be simple shots and simple language without strong language or scenes of a sexual nature.

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